



    AEO,ISPS或者TEU——港口物流的英语专业术语对于外行往往难以理解。什么是spreader?什么又是straddle carrier?在这个页面上,我们整理了部分英语专业术语的中文翻译和英语解释,以更好地帮助沟通和理解。

    • ETA | 预计到港日 Abbreviation for “Estimated Time of Arrival”.
    • ETD | 预计离港日 Abbreviation for “Estimated Time of Departure”.
    • Feeder ship | 支线驳船 Feeder ships transport loads between ports called at by larger ocean-going vessels and ports not called at by the big liners. Ports called at by bigger vessels have a hub function for container transports. Feeder ships have become bigger and bigger in recent years and have increasingly higher transport capacities. Feeder ships are a central element of the transhipment concept.
    • Freeport (Free zone) | 自由港(自由贸易区) In a freeport goods can be imported, produced or stored without customs or import duties being levied. Import duties are only levied when the goods cross the customs boundaries and are entered into the internal market. The Hamburg freeport was abolished on 1 January 2013 and changed to the status of a customs seaport. Wilhelmshaven also has the status of customs seaport, while the Bremerhaven container terminals are in a free zone.
    • Freight forwarder | 货运代理、货代 A “freight forwarder” organises the transport of goods for the consignor, including all necessary formalities. This may encompass, for example, booking transport capacities on vessels and customs clearance.