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    People at EUROGATE

    • Michelle Jack

      Multifaceted organisational talent

      Michelle Jack, Secretary to the Management Team at EUROGATE Technical Services, Bremerhaven


      Organising appointments and trips, preparing presentations and conference calls, planning all types of training and events – Michelle Jack's responsibilities are multifaceted and challenging. Every day is different, monotony is an alien concept.



    Before joining EUROGATE, the trained assistant tax consultant worked for a car dealership in Bremerhaven. "I worked in the accounts department there and dealt with many organisational tasks," she says. She started working at EUROGATE in May 2008, initially as an employee in the control centre of the Facility Management profit centre. She has been working with the management team of EUROGATE Technical Services since July 2010.


    "A new CEO had just been appointed," she reports. This led to several changes in the duties performed by the administrative staff. "In addition to providing assistance to the management team and performing the usual administrative duties, we were also assigned many organisational and creative tasks," recalls Michelle Jack. Together with her colleague, Lisette Höft, she is now the contact person for all Technical Services staff. "For example, we manage the car pool and issue mobile phones. We organise and book all trips for our TS colleagues," she explains. They also prepare presentations and plan training courses and events, such as the first cross-departmental Christmas party at the Bremerhaven site.


    Of course, her role also covers standard secretarial duties such as writing minutes, managing correspondence and scheduling meetings at the start of a job. Michelle Jack is in contact with many different people every day and often needs to deal with new tasks. "But it is precisely that diversity and the contact with nice colleagues that motivates me to constantly do new things," she emphasises.


    The German woman with the British passport – she was born in South Africa to a Scottish father and an English mother – has been living in Bremerhaven with her partner for many years now. She also shares her hobby of travelling with her partner.