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    AEO, ISPS or TEU – the technical jargon used by port logistics experts is often totally incomprehensible to laymen. What is a spreader? What is a straddle carrier? On this page you will find definitions that are helpful for a better understanding and communication.

    • Van carrier Also “straddle carrier”: large vehicles for moving or stacking containers on the terminal site. They are operated by drivers. The straddle carriers at EUROGATE’s terminals can stack 4-high, i.e. three containers vertically on top of one another. EUROGATE Uses straddle carriers at all its terminals as this concept has proved to be the most flexible. At 16 m high, the largest EUROGATE straddle carriers are as high as a single-family house.
    • Veterinary Office The Veterinary Office has varied tasks intended to protect consumers. Essentially, the Veterinary Office controls the import and transit of products of animal origin and plant-based foods at border inspection posts. Food safety, meat hygiene, animal protection, animal health and animal disease control all fall under the remit of the Veterinary Office.