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    Energy for more than 4,600 households

    EUROGATE’s wind turbines in Hamburg and Bremerhaven between them produced sufficient energy in 2015 to supply around 4,600 two-person households with power for a whole year. Commissioned in mid-January of last year, the Bremerhaven wind turbine generated around 7.7 million kilowatt hours, while the Hamburg facility had an output of 8.4 million kilowatt hours in 2015, totalling 16.1 million altogether. This corresponds to a CO2 saving of 8,300 tonnes.

    This is the amount of CO2 emissions EUROGATE would have been responsible for if it had drawn the power from the grid. Wind turbines on the other hand do not discharge any CO2, because they do not burn any fossil fuels such as oil, gas, coal or wood. With the amount saved, a normal mid-size passenger car could drive between Bremen and Hamburg half a million times.

    Our commitment to the environment.