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    11.07.2008 - Tangier (Morocco). EUROGATE Tanger successfully handles first feeder ship.

    On 11 July 2008, the first feeder ship, the CMA CGM “Tobruk”, docked at the EUROGATE Tanger Container Terminal in Morocco. A total of 70 containers were unloaded. Although the crane drivers are still undergoing training, the handling of the ship went off without any problems.

    The CMA CGM “Tobruk” has a capacity of 1,000 TEUs and a length of 150 m.
    From August/September, it is planned to handle two feeder ships per week. From October, full cargo ships are expected to regularly dock at the terminal.

    EUROGATE Tanger currently has 300 m of quayside and five container cranes. By the end of the year, the quay length will be extended to 800 m. An additional three container cranes are on order for delivery in February 2009.